Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Poetry Reads: Train Journey Bits #1 by Snehith Kumbla

Train journeys have given me many moments of joy, poise, scenery, conversations, and priceless window seat scenery views over three decades of an otherwise mundane existence.

For a long time until my adolescence, I wanted to be a train engine driver. Every time I watch the train robbery scene in Sholay, I want to be in that last goods train compartment, quietly relishing the disappearing scenery on a twilight evening, and preferably not warding off dacoits.

I have a dislike for closed air-conditioned compartments, even the warmest summer can't deter me from the constant enhancement the second class window seat provides. Every passing second in motion is but a fleeting vision to the eye. This constant feeling keeps me riveted for hours during every train journey I take.

Presently, train journey bits #1 is my most read poem on hellopoetry.com, garnering 14000+ views till date. The poem is a glue-collage picture book of various scenes I encountered on the return journey from Kerala to Pune in December 2014.

train journey bits #1
by Snehith Kumbla

what forests are those we pass, 
blazing along the railway tracks,
a tree bloom of still cranes, 
stream black of rubbish bane, 

stench of dead city rubble, 
factories of rusted cast metal, 
distant cotton twilight skies, 
sun slide across a bunch of wires,    

passing tunnels echo 
lonely platforms, frantic gecko, 
looming hillside, 
crackle dry wood fire, 

a god barred in lock&key, 
blink glimpse of the sea 
one rush of vision, 
pebble fling at frisson, 

metal-crunch rhythm, 
grind music sublime, 
spark, grunt, grate, 
we arrive, we dissipate...


(Article by Snehith Kumbla)

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